A performance evaluation of the Partnership for Green Growth and the Global Goals 2030 (P4G)

Marc • Sep 30, 2024

A portfolio review of 75 public-private partnerships delivering green growth across six countries in Africa, Latin America, and Sub-Saharan Africa.

In 2022, OpenCities, in collaboration with Agulhas, conducted a performance evaluation of the Partnership for Green Growth and the Global Goals 2030 (P4G). The review encompassed a portfolio of 75 partnerships across six countries in Africa, Latin America, and Southeast Asia, spanning sectors such as food, water, and energy


This evaluation aimed to validate the monitoring and evaluation (M&E) results reported by P4G’s partnerships, focusing on their core indicators to ensure confidence in the outcomes. By developing a ‘Validation Framework’ based on M&E best practices that helped define the level of confidence that could be assigned to Phase I results, the evaluation team conducted a thorough review for P4G, supported by document gathering, interviews, surveys, and both qualitative and quantitative analysis. Beyond validating core indicators, OpenCities also evaluated non-core indicators and proposed additional metrics to strengthen P4G’s M&E framework, with the ultimate goal of informing strategic decisions for Phase 2.


Additionally, the evaluation assessed P4G’s overall impact in delivering market-based, green, and inclusive solutions aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris Agreement. As the evaluation unfolded, its scope expanded to include an assessment of the partnerships’ alignment with the Rio markers for climate change mitigation, adaptation, and environmental protection. This broader analysis enabled the evaluation team to capture contributions to P4G’s climate and SDG ambitions comprehensively.


The feedback from P4G’s leadership team was overwhelmingly positive, with particular appreciation for the evaluation team’s intellectual engagement. P4G commended the team for their hard work, exceptional thinking, and seamless collaboration throughout the project. They also complemented the Team's timely delivery of meetings and outputs was praised as exemplary. This feedback underscored the value of the evaluation process, which has helped the Partnership enhance its future work significantly.

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