Evaluation of IMO Contribution to Millennium Development Goals (2017-2018)
websitebuilder-hub • 1 January 2022
This IMO evaluation involved an 18 month program of work that began with an evaluation of the IMO’s contribution to the MDGs over the period 2008-15, including field trips to Thailand and Bangladesh, and resulting in a major report and presentation to IMO members states;
a review of IMO’s existing evaluation manual and the development of a completely new Evaluation Policy and Guidelines - sitting alongside similar documents for all other UN agencies; and a formative evaluation of the IMO’s preparedness to contribute to the SDGs (due to be completed by 31 December 2018).
OpenCities director Dr Stephens led a team of 4 consultants in a comprehensive review and evaluation of the IMO’s normative and technical assistance activities and their contribution to the MDGs. This included field missions to Thailand, Bangladesh and Seychelles. It was the most comprehensive evaluation ever undertaken at the IMO. He also led a team that completely modernised the IMO’s evaluation policies and guidelines. These are now in the process of being approved internally for ultimate endorsement by the IMO’s governing bodies. Dr Stephens also led a short formative/inception review of how well-prepared IMO is to contribute to the SDGs particularly in the maritime sector. This includes reviewing its early theory of change and making proposals for developing a tighter logframe and monitoring infrastructure including supporting members states to develop their own frameworks in the maritime sector.