World Bank procedures for processing small trust fund grants (2011-2012)

websitebuilder-hub • 22 October 2018

As part of a wider piece of work involving development of an abbreviated due diligence processes for small grants our client’s central operational policies department asked OpenCities to conduct a statistical analysis of grants awarded by the client to some 1700 recipients including NGOs and private companies. 

The objective was to assess at what level of grant size activities funded by grants began to resemble standard projects funded by the client including goods and civil works as opposed simply to consultancy services.
The work required analysis of the grant funding request forms completed by the client's project managers as applications to trust funds for funding. OpenCities read and analyzed a sample of about 450 grant funding request forms and extracted data regarding the items procured, the nature of the recipient, the size of the grant and a range of other data. This was organized in an excel spreadsheet and analyzed using pivot tables to ensure no loss of information and rapid alternative cuts of the data.
The analysis played an important role in helping our client to determine the new threshold for trust fund grants below which new abbreviated due diligence and other shorter processes could apply.
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